The veteran 6th Mechanized Infantry encountered stiff resistance from Eldar xenos forces. Led by Captain Wentz aboard his Leman Russ Vanquisher, the 6th arrayed for battle in extended line, and managed to steal the initiative from the xenos.
Unfortunately for the 6th, while the initial push achieved all of their initial objectives, much of their shooting proved ineffective, as xenos magicks and trickery protected them from the worst of Imperial firepower. The Eldar response was deadly, drawing the battle's first blood when they destroyed 5th Squad's Chimera on the right flank.
Still, the 6th pressed on. While the entire force barreled in from the left, Hellhound no.8 under Sergeant Happe outflanked the enemy from the far right, engulfing the rear of a xenos tank and some jetbike riders in deadly flame. His attack was joined by a Navy Vendetta, further damaging the tank, which somehow survived the onslought. Concentrated firepower also destroyed a squadron of War Walkers, while 5th Squad's meltagunners immobilized and stunned another xenos tank.
The incensed xenos struck back with much fury. Dire Avenger and Fire Dragon warriors emerged from the bowels of their graceful machines and fell upon 5th Squad with intense firepower, who went to ground and stood firm despite suffering horrendous losses. Both of the detachment's Hellhounds were destroyed - one by heavy fire from xenos tanks, the other from a spirited assault by jetbike-borne xenos witches. A sleek Eldar flyer streaked onto the battlefield, and with some impossibly nimble manouvers, got onto the tail of the Navy gunship. Despite the Imperial pilot's wild manouvers, the xenos craft's weapons easily found their mark, turning the mighty Vendetta into a fireball.

Pressing on regardless, more calamities struck the 6th, as the left flank attack, already held up by the lead Hellhound's demise, was stalled again when 3rd Squad's Chimera threw a track when it tried to drive through a rough patch of woods. 1st Squad drove brazenly up the middle of the battlefield to seize an objective, Chimera popping smoke to cover their advance. Captain Wentz' command squad focused fire on a xenos tank and turned it into a smouldering wreck, while a battle cannon shell from Sergeant Gerstacker's Leman Russ managed to immobilize another enemy tank.
Again, the xenos responded with untamed fury, its flyer swooping in low and severely damaging Captain Wentz' Vanquisher. Aspect Warriors charged the survivors of 5th Squad, cutting down all but Veteran Sergeant Hennig, who fought on bravely cutting down xenos with pistol and sword. 1st Squad's Chimera was blown up by a xenos tank, leaving the survivors pinned down.

By this time, both sides were low on men and materiel, and one could sense a final push coming on as human and xenos warriors closed in on each other. Close firefights ensued, which saw the destruction of 1st and 2nd Squads, while an Eldar Guardian squad got cut to ribbons and fled. Fire Dragons were also shot up, but their leader survived the deluge. The Eldar also lost 2 more tanks, and a witch mysteriously fell (no one knows how this witch died - he was seen casting his magick when he suddenly convulsed and collapsed). Unfortunately for the 6th, Captain Wentz' Vanquisher was repeatedly struck by accurate heavy las fire from the xenos flyer, and exploded. Sergeant Gerstacker was lost too, as a Fire Prism lance cut through his Leman Russ front armor and turning the tank into a fiery wreck.
And as the night mercifully descended to mask the carnage, save for the cries and whimpers of the wounded and dying, it remained unclear if one side or the other carried the day.
This was an awesome fun game against Hakim's Eldar. We played Maelstrom Mission #1, and after all the furious manouver and dice-rolling, emerged with a 6-6 score. The Eldar got First Blood, Slay the Warlord, Linebreaker, and 3 more objective VPs. IG scored Linebreaker and 5 objective VPs. I think if the Eldar player was a bit more experienced, he would have easily won the game, but I guess bloodlust and shooting up my army distracted him from achieving objectives. We both had a blast anyways. Anyways, the army lists:
IG: the indomitable 6th Brandenberg Mechanized Infantry Regiment
Tank Commander in Vanquisher, with Exterminator escort
6 Veteran Squads: 4 equipped with 2 plasma guns each, 1 with 2 meltaguns, and 1 with 2 meltaguns and a flamer
The vets were riding Chimeras, all with multilasers and hull heavy bolter, except for 1 with hull heavy flamer
2 Hellhounds in 2 units
1 Navy Vendetta
1 Leman Russ
Eldar xenos scum
Farseer on jetbike, with 6 warlocks on jetbikes
5 Fire Dragons, with Exarch in a Wave Serpent
Guardians in a Wave Serpent
Dire Avengers in a Wave Serpent
Crimson Hunter with Exarch
Squadron of 3 War Walkers
2 Fire Prisms
That was simply an amazing game. Pity I couldn't stick around for another one.
Anyways, next update I hope to have the first squad of Denerair Highlanders done.
Til then, keep them dice rolling ...